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Scotland Inland Diving
Reader Reviews:
Dive Site: Powmill Quarry
Location: Powmill Quarry, Fife
Description: Disused quarry filled with dumped cars (including an intact caravan!)
Depth: 18 metres (60 feet)
Visibility: 10 metres (30 feet)
Rating: ****
This quarry appears to have been a dumping ground for stolen cars for many years. Everything is in here from cars to bikes, caravans, a silvercross pram and a set of Post Office scales. The only thing that lets the site down is the entrance to the site has been blocked off by the local council to deter dumping and therefore is a 200 yard hike to get to waters edge. The entrance is quite hard to find but any of the locals will point you in the right direction.
Craig Campbell
Interesting site best accesed by 4 by 4. Not 18 metres deep, more like 12 but viz is always great. There must be at least 15 cars in there.
David Millar
To get to this dive site you have to park on the main road, get all your kit on and then climb a large hill with a muddy track. Difficult access is the only thing that lets this site down. Visibility was good when we were there, although very cold!
Dived this site a few times now and completed some training here. It's great fun loads of things to get up to - bike riding, frisby, football etc. Surface intermission is never too great because most of everything is not too deep (take enough air for 2 dives!).
Great site.
How interesting to see that my old place of employment has become a lesiure facility! It may be of interest to some that its true name is actually Devonshaw Quarry. I worked there in the late 1960's.
Jimmy Christie | 14/08/09
Jimmy how deep was the quarry and what was being quarried from this site when you worked there??
Pete | 24/12/09
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