dive site directory content copyrightWe take the copyright of material submitted to dive site directory very seriously. We fully appreciate that contributors to the directory may not want their images and text to be displayed elsewhere on the internet. We keep full records of who has contributed what and place copyright information on all our images.
As editors of the content we are responsible for the copyright and content as well as the original contributor. In the case of finding a site that has copied our content we will take further action against that site as well as contacting the original contributor in case they should wish to do so. Some of our contributors are large organisations who do not take lightly to their contributed information being used out of context.
We use online internet scanning services to regularly scan the internet for content that has been copied off the directory. In the event of finding copied content we will, and have successfully on several occasions in the past, contacted the site host and due to copyright infringement asked them to take the site offline until the content has been taken off the site.
By copying information off dive site directory you are not only disrespecting the copyright of our contributors but you are also damaging dive site directory. Our placement in the search engines is based upon our unique content, if you are using this content you may undermine our ranking and stop other internet users from being able to find us as easily! You also waste valuable time we could be spending updating the site as we then have to spend it chasing you for copyright infringement! (which isn't much fun!) |
Why you shouldn’t copy content off dsd
- You are not respecting the copyright of our contributors
- You may harm dive site directory by using our content as it is through our unique content that people find us through the search engines
- We regularly use online services to scan the internet for content that has been copied off dsd and will contact you to take further action
- You are wasting time that we could spend adding new content and improving the directory as we have to spend it chasing you for copyright infringement!
What we will do if you have copied our content
- We will take the matter further as you have breached our copyright, we will also contact all the contributors of any of the content you have used to allow them to take the matter further (some of our contributors are large organisations and do not take lightly to their contributed information being used out of context)
- We will contact the host of your web site and ask them to take down your web site due to infringement of copyright until you have removed the copied material, we have done this on several occasions now quite sucesfully