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Scotland Inland Diving
Reader Reviews:
Dive Site: Kenmore Point
Location: Loch Fyne, South of Inverary, Western Scotland
Description: Wall face
Depth: 34m max (112 feet) wall face then descending muddy slope
Visibility: 6 metres max (20 feet)
Rating: ****
2 vertical wall faces separated by a bay. The wall is cut by horizontal fissures that contain an abundance of squat lobsters. The once very rare anemone Protanthia simplex can be found here. There is also a gnome garden in a small opening at 22m (high tide) in the second wall created by the Coatbridge branch of the Scottish Sub Aqua Club. Excellent dive.
Gordon Bagwell, SSAC Sports Diver, PADI Divemaster, HSE SCUBA
Shore cover is compromised due to the rocky promontory that the dive follows out of sight from one beach around to the next beach where the dive finishes. The approach access track is long and rough, great care is needed when fully loaded with dive kit - unless you have a good ground clearance vehicle.
Teresa Murphy
Did you know that due to new owners in certain houses there are plans to restrict access along the dirt road that goes from Furnace to Kenmore to the caravan park? They plan to put locked gates on either end of the road which will restrict access to home owners only.
The access road from the caravan site is much better than from Furnace. The gates at either end of the road are installed but not yet in use. A resident in one of the cottages at Kenmore point advised that this would be soon.
Tried to access Kenmore point yesterday (14th Sep 2008) and gates locked. They say private road no access. Does anybody know if this is legal? Can the residents block this road? What does the law say and who owns this land/road? If no damage is done and people stay on the paths to the bay, can access be denied and are the "road blocks" legal?
Alex Carslaw
This road and land is private belonging to Argyll estates, it is legal to restrict access and they are perfectly with their rights to do so, sorry to be the one to deliver bad news but this ground is exactly the same as a lot of existing estate ground i.e. around castle that is private and restricted access that is legally kept private.
DDM Scottish Law Society.
Hi DDM Scottish Law Society.
It doesn't appear to be just as simply as you are portraying.
Thankfully, there are people actually looking into the detail of this in order to protect the rights of all people. If your statement was taken at face value then most people would not pursue access to this historic and beautiful site either by car or by foot, (there is a monument to a local poet here), as they would not know better and take your comments as the "Law".
Sensibly discussion will prevail and access for responsible people should be re-established.
Alex Carslaw | 03/02/09
This coast road was surveyed and recorded on maritime charts of Loch Fyne over 250 years ago and as there are ancient forts in the vicinity, there can be little doubt the route has existed and been in use for centuries. Prior to the locking of gates the road was in regular use as a public
right of way in the form of a by-way open to all traffic. Kenmore is a Hamlet with a village green, a war memorial and the celebrated birth place of Neil Munro. Read what the law says.
Robert Burgess | 06/05/2009
If you have a proper 4x4 like a defender and have some off road skills, you can squeeze round the side of the gates like one of my mates did. Be very careful though he did get stuck in a ditch for about 1/2 hour on the way out. I hope this can be resolved soon as this is a cracking shore dive and great for training students on deep & night diving skills.
Ross Deuchar | 22/07/2009
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