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Scuba Diving in the Red Sea
Reader Reviews:
Dive Site: Umm Sid
Location: South Dahab, 28°25.255N; 34°27.442E
Description: Shore dive / coral garden
Depth: 1 - 30 metres (3 - 100 feet)
Visibility: 30 metres (100 feet)
Rating: ****
Umm Sid features abundant fish life and a variety of reef structures which are all in exceptional condition as the site was not dived as frequently in the past as others in Dahab. Entry is through a wide corridor carved into a steeply sloping reef. Dive around and beneath a massive coral tongue until you reach a sandy slope inhabited by garden eels. Follow the slope down into a beautiful coral garden, for advanced divers descend down to 30 metres and view the spectacular giant gorgonians. Here you can spot small longnose hawkfish. Ascend up to 18 metres and end the dive by a slow excursion over the table corals and along a reef wall which is covered in soft corals and anthias, look closely and spot the number of nudibranchs of all varieties.
We dived this in Autumn 2005 and saw a giant free swimming moray eel, there were also lots of lionfish, pufferfish, unicorn and anemonefish.
Anna Wright, PADI Advanced Open Water Diver
Dived here September 2006. Saw lots of lionfish, 2 medium sized sting rays, a snake eel I think and lots of barracudas. The dive group before us saw a turtle but sadly we missed it. There was quite a bit of current, but it was full moon. Beautiful place to dive, takes ages getting through the check point where you are charged 550LE (approx £5.50) One of the best places in Dahab to dive and I have dived most the sites.
Georgie, PADI Advanced Open Water Diver
Saw a napoleonfish family. Two large and two small. Very nice.
Peter Leidersdorff, PADI Advanced Open Water Diver | 10/3/2010
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